
Self-shielded Multi-turn Surface Coils for Decoupling RF Coil Arrays in Low Field MRI

This is a poster for the 2nd ISMRM Workshop on Accessible MRI, 16-18 February 2024 Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi, India.

You can find a digital copy here.


Ferromagnetic Materials in Zone IV

Typically, no ferromagnetic materials are allowed in zone IV. With careful planning and approval, exceptions may be made to this rule.

Before all experiments, a plan document must be made and approved. Here is a template, and here is an example for the Lerner MR facility. You can edit the PDF to show your plan however you wish, as long as it is clear what you plan to do.

Once you have made the plan bring it to the safety officer for review. It must then be approved before every experiment by the study PI, and signed by two level II trained personnel after completion.

Some guidelines for a useful plan:

  • Number each object which will be moved into zone IV
  • Before moving anything, and after the time-out procedure, mark the locations in the room for each object with tape
  • Mark a tape line at a boundary lower than 5 Gauss field strength to never cross with magnetic material
  • Follow a specific order for bringing objects into the room
  • On completion, after removing the objects, remove the tape marking their locations to ensure you don’t forget anything
  • Save the signed and dated plan in your records and send a copy to the safety officer

Running an Experiment

This is a guide to introduce you to the steps required before running an experiment on an MRI scanner in our research facilities

  • Review the safety policies
  • If you are not level II trained, contact the safety officer for training first
  • If your experiment has a human subject and you are not trained for the targeted anatomy, contact someone who is and ask for training
  • If your experiment has a human subject, review and understand the protocols of the IRB approved study which your experiment is part of
  • If you will be bringing materials or equipment, contact the safety officer ahead of time for approval and provide the approval history if available
  • If you will need to bring ferromagnetic material into zone IV, contact the safety officer and create a plan for moving the material
  • Schedule a time on the google calendar at least 24 hours ahead to minimize interruption of clinical activity
  • If you are using a machine in a clinical area or have a human subject, dress professionally for patient/volunteer comfort
  • Find at least one other level II trained person to be in zone III whenever you are in zone IV, this can be a clinical technologist working at a nearby scanner
  • Complete the time out procedure before beginning
  • Leave the area at least as clean and orderly as you found it

MR Research Safety

Our safety program consists of several training policies:

  • For all personnel, a level I training with a video introducing MR safety concepts is required
  • For personnel who will need to enter zone IV (the scanner room), a level II training with another video followed by a quiz is required
  • An annual retraining is required for all personnel with an new video and quiz for level II
  • A copy of the subject screening form must be on file for all MR personnel and updated annually
  • An anatomical region specific training is required before running an experiment on a human subject

and rules:

  • Complete a time out checklist before all experiments in zone IV
  • Insure a minimum of two level II trained personnel are present whenever a person is in zone IV, including at least one level II trained person in zone III
  • Gain prior approval from the study principal investigator for after hours scanning
  • Gain prior approval from the safety officer and/or study PI for all new devices or equipment to be used in zone IV
  • Develop a plan for any experiment which will require moving ferromagnetic materials into zone IV and gain prior approval from the study PI


Setting up your KiCad installation

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Setting up Git and remote connections to GitLab with SSH

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